BCP Template

How Best To Use This Document

1. The CARICHAM Guide to Completing the Business Continuity Plan and the CARICHAM Business Continuity Plan Template are designed to work together.

2. First, read through the document: Guide to Completing the Business Continuity Plan, which explains how to complete the CARICHAM Business Continuity Plan Template.

3. Then, fill out the Business Continuity Plan Template. You may choose to either complete the template by printing out the document and filling it out by hand, or by saving it as an MS Word file and completing it electronically. If needed, expand or delete sections which are relevant for your business.

4. When you are finished, don’t forget to save and print your Business Continuity Plan to ensure that all fields print correctly.

November 29, 2024

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CARICHAM Center of Excellence – A platform for partnership creating shared value as a mechanism for building SME resilience across The Caribbean.

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